Struct rulinalg::matrix::Matrix
pub struct Matrix<T> { /* fields omitted */ }
The Matrix
Can be instantiated with any type.
impl<T> Matrix<T> where T: Any + Float
impl<T> Matrix<T> where T: Any + Float
impl<T> Matrix<T> where T: Any + Float
fn bidiagonal_decomp(self) -> Result<(Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>), Error>
Converts matrix to bidiagonal form
Returns (B, U, V), where B is bidiagonal and self = U B V_T
Note that if self
has self.rows() > self.cols()
the matrix will
be transposed and then reduced - this will lead to a sub-diagonal instead
of super-diagonal.
- The matrix cannot be reduced to bidiagonal form.
impl<T: Any + Float + Signed> Matrix<T>
fn svd(self) -> Result<(Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>), Error>
Singular Value Decomposition
Computes the SVD using the Golub-Reinsch algorithm.
Returns Σ, U, V, such that self
= U Σ VT. Σ is a diagonal matrix whose elements
correspond to the non-negative singular values of the matrix. The singular values are ordered in
non-increasing order. U and V have orthonormal columns, and each column represents the
left and right singular vectors for the corresponding singular value in Σ, respectively.
If self
has M rows and N columns, the dimensions of the returned matrices
are as follows.
If M >= N:
: N x NU
: M x NV
: N x N
If M < N:
: M x MU
: M x MV
: N x M
Note: This version of the SVD is sometimes referred to as the 'economy SVD'.
This function may fail in some cases. The current decomposition whilst being efficient is fairly basic. Hopefully the algorithm can be made not to fail in the near future.
impl<T: Any + Float> Matrix<T>
fn upper_hessenberg(self) -> Result<Matrix<T>, Error>
Returns H, where H is the upper hessenberg form.
If the transformation matrix is also required, you should
use upper_hess_decomp
use rulinalg::matrix::Matrix; let a = matrix![2., 0., 1., 1.; 2., 0., 1., 2.; 1., 2., 0., 0.; 2., 0., 1., 1.]; let h = a.upper_hessenberg(); println!("{:}", h.expect("Could not get upper Hessenberg form."));
- The matrix is not square.
- The matrix cannot be reduced to upper hessenberg form.
fn upper_hess_decomp(self) -> Result<(Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>), Error>
Returns (U,H), where H is the upper hessenberg form and U is the unitary transform matrix.
Note: The current transform matrix seems broken...
use rulinalg::matrix::BaseMatrix; let a = matrix![1., 2., 3.; 4., 5., 6.; 7., 8., 9.]; // u is the transform, h is the upper hessenberg form. let (u, h) = a.clone().upper_hess_decomp().expect("This matrix should decompose!"); assert_matrix_eq!(h, u.transpose() * a * u, comp = abs, tol = 1e-12);
- The matrix is not square.
- The matrix cannot be reduced to upper hessenberg form.
impl<T> Matrix<T> where T: Any + Float
fn lup_decomp(self) -> Result<(Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>, Matrix<T>), Error>
Computes L, U, and P for LUP decomposition.
Returns L,U, and P respectively.
This function is deprecated. Please see PartialPivLu for a replacement.
use rulinalg::matrix::Matrix; let a = matrix![1.0, 2.0, 0.0; 0.0, 3.0, 4.0; 5.0, 1.0, 2.0]; let (l, u, p) = a.lup_decomp().expect("This matrix should decompose!");
- Matrix is not square.
- Matrix cannot be LUP decomposed.
impl<T: Any + Float + Signed> Matrix<T>
fn eigenvalues(self) -> Result<Vec<T>, Error>
Eigenvalues of a square matrix.
Returns a Vec of eigenvalues.
use rulinalg::matrix::Matrix; let a = Matrix::new(4,4, (1..17).map(|v| v as f64).collect::<Vec<f64>>()); let e = a.eigenvalues().expect("We should be able to compute these eigenvalues!"); println!("{:?}", e);
- The matrix is not square.
- Eigenvalues cannot be computed.
fn eigendecomp(self) -> Result<(Vec<T>, Matrix<T>), Error>
Eigendecomposition of a square matrix.
Returns a Vec of eigenvalues, and a matrix with eigenvectors as the columns.
The eigenvectors are only gauranteed to be correct if the matrix is real-symmetric.
use rulinalg::matrix::Matrix; let a = matrix![3., 2., 4.; 2., 0., 2.; 4., 2., 3.]; let (e, m) = a.eigendecomp().expect("We should be able to compute this eigendecomp!"); println!("{:?}", e); println!("{:?}",;
- The matrix is not square.
- The eigen decomposition can not be computed.
impl<T> Matrix<T>
fn new<U: Into<Vec<T>>>(rows: usize, cols: usize, data: U) -> Matrix<T>
Constructor for Matrix struct.
Requires both the row and column dimensions.
use rulinalg::matrix::{Matrix, BaseMatrix}; let mat = Matrix::new(2,2, vec![1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]); assert_eq!(mat.rows(), 2); assert_eq!(mat.cols(), 2);
- The input data does not match the given dimensions.
fn from_fn<F>(rows: usize, cols: usize, f: F) -> Matrix<T> where F: FnMut(usize, usize) -> T
Constructor for Matrix struct that takes a function f
and constructs a new matrix such that A_ij = f(i, j)
where i
is the row index and j
the column index.
Requires both the row and column dimensions as well as a generating function.
use rulinalg::matrix::{Matrix, BaseMatrix}; // Let's assume you have an array of "things" for // which you want to generate a distance matrix: let things: [i32; 3] = [1, 2, 3]; let distances: Matrix<f64> = Matrix::from_fn(things.len(), things.len(), |col, row| { (things[col] - things[row]).abs().into() }); assert_eq!(distances.rows(), 3); assert_eq!(distances.cols(), 3); assert_eq!(, &vec![ 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 1.0, 0.0, ]);
fn data(&self) -> &Vec<T>
Returns a non-mutable reference to the underlying data.
fn mut_data(&mut self) -> &mut [T]
Returns a mutable slice of the underlying data.
fn into_vec(self) -> Vec<T>
Consumes the Matrix and returns the Vec of data.
impl<T: Clone + Zero> Matrix<T>
fn zeros(rows: usize, cols: usize) -> Matrix<T>
Constructs matrix of all zeros.
Requires both the row and the column dimensions.
use rulinalg::matrix::Matrix; let mat = Matrix::<f64>::zeros(2,3);
fn from_diag(diag: &[T]) -> Matrix<T>
Constructs matrix with given diagonal.
Requires slice of diagonal elements.
use rulinalg::matrix::Matrix; let mat = Matrix::from_diag(&vec![1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0]);
impl<T: Clone + One> Matrix<T>
fn ones(rows: usize, cols: usize) -> Matrix<T>
Constructs matrix of all ones.
Requires both the row and the column dimensions.
use rulinalg::matrix::Matrix; let mat = Matrix::<f64>::ones(2,3);
impl<T: Clone + Zero + One> Matrix<T>
fn identity(size: usize) -> Matrix<T>
Constructs the identity matrix.
Requires the size of the matrix.
use rulinalg::matrix::Matrix; let I = Matrix::<f64>::identity(4);
impl<T: Float + FromPrimitive> Matrix<T>
fn mean(&self, axis: Axes) -> Vector<T>
The mean of the matrix along the specified axis.
- Axis Row - Arithmetic mean of rows.
- Axis Col - Arithmetic mean of columns.
Calling mean()
on an empty matrix will return an empty matrix.
use rulinalg::matrix::{Matrix, Axes}; let a = matrix![1.0, 2.0; 3.0, 4.0]; let c = a.mean(Axes::Row); assert_eq!(c, vector![2.0, 3.0]); let d = a.mean(Axes::Col); assert_eq!(d, vector![1.5, 3.5]);
fn variance(&self, axis: Axes) -> Result<Vector<T>, Error>
The variance of the matrix along the specified axis.
- Axis Row - Sample variance of rows.
- Axis Col - Sample variance of columns.
use rulinalg::matrix::{Matrix, Axes}; let a = matrix![1.0, 2.0; 3.0, 4.0]; let c = a.variance(Axes::Row).unwrap(); assert_eq!(c, vector![2.0, 2.0]); let d = a.variance(Axes::Col).unwrap(); assert_eq!(d, vector![0.5, 0.5]);
- There are one or fewer row/columns in the working axis.
impl<T: Any + Float> Matrix<T>
fn solve(self, y: Vector<T>) -> Result<Vector<T>, Error>
Solves the equation Ax = y
Requires a Vector y
as input.
The method performs an LU decomposition internally, consuming the matrix in the process. If solving the same system for multiple right-hand sides is desired, see PartialPivLu.
use rulinalg::matrix::Matrix; use rulinalg::vector::Vector; let a = matrix![2.0, 3.0; 1.0, 2.0]; let y = vector![13.0, 8.0]; let x = a.solve(y).unwrap(); assert_eq!(x, vector![2.0, 3.0]);
- The matrix column count and vector size are different.
- The matrix is not square.
- The matrix cannot be decomposed into an LUP form to solve.
- There is no valid solution as the matrix is singular.
fn inverse(self) -> Result<Matrix<T>, Error>
Computes the inverse of the matrix.
Internally performs an LU decomposition.
use rulinalg::matrix::Matrix; let a = matrix![2., 3.; 1., 2.]; let inv = a.clone().inverse().expect("This matrix should have an inverse!"); let I = a * inv; assert_matrix_eq!(I, matrix![1.0, 0.0; 0.0, 1.0]);
- The matrix is not square.
- The matrix could not be LUP decomposed.
- The matrix has zero determinant.
fn det(self) -> T
impl<T: ToPrimitive> Matrix<T>
fn try_into<U: NumCast>(self) -> Result<Matrix<U>, Error>
Attempts to convert the matrix into a new matrix of different scalar type.
- One or more of the elements in the matrix cannot be converted into the new type.
Trait Implementations
impl<T> BaseMatrix<T> for Matrix<T>
fn rows(&self) -> usize
Rows in the matrix.
fn cols(&self) -> usize
Columns in the matrix.
fn row_stride(&self) -> usize
Row stride in the matrix.
fn is_empty(&self) -> bool
Returns true if the matrix contais no elements
fn as_ptr(&self) -> *const T
Top left index of the matrix.
fn into_matrix(self) -> Matrix<T> where T: Copy
Convert the matrix struct into a owned Matrix.
fn sum(&self) -> T where T: Copy + Zero + Add<T, Output=T>
The sum of all elements in the matrix Read more
fn elemul(&self, m: &Self) -> Matrix<T> where T: Copy + Mul<T, Output=T>
The elementwise product of two matrices. Read more
fn elediv(&self, m: &Self) -> Matrix<T> where T: Copy + Div<T, Output=T>
The elementwise division of two matrices. Read more
fn vcat<S>(&self, m: &S) -> Matrix<T> where T: Copy, S: BaseMatrix<T>
Vertically concatenates two matrices. With self on top. Read more
fn as_slice(&self) -> MatrixSlice<T>
Returns a MatrixSlice
over the whole matrix. Read more
unsafe fn get_unchecked(&self, index: [usize; 2]) -> &T
Get a reference to a point in the matrix without bounds checking.
fn col(&self, index: usize) -> Column<T>
Returns the column of a matrix at the given index. None
if the index is out of bounds. Read more
unsafe fn col_unchecked(&self, index: usize) -> Column<T>
Returns the column of a matrix at the given index without doing a bounds check. Read more
fn row(&self, index: usize) -> Row<T>
Returns the row of a matrix at the given index. Read more
unsafe fn row_unchecked(&self, index: usize) -> Row<T>
Returns the row of a matrix at the given index without doing unbounds checking Read more
fn iter<'a>(&self) -> SliceIter<'a, T> where T: 'a
Returns an iterator over the matrix data. Read more
fn col_iter(&self) -> Cols<T>
Iterate over the columns of the matrix. Read more
fn row_iter(&self) -> Rows<T>
Iterate over the rows of the matrix. Read more
fn diag_iter(&self, k: DiagOffset) -> Diagonal<T, Self>
Iterate over diagonal entries Read more
fn sum_rows(&self) -> Vector<T> where T: Copy + Zero + Add<T, Output=T>
The sum of the rows of the matrix. Read more
fn sum_cols(&self) -> Vector<T> where T: Copy + Zero + Add<T, Output=T>
The sum of the columns of the matrix. Read more
fn norm<N: MatrixNorm<T, Self>>(&self, norm: N) -> T where T: Float
Compute given matrix norm for matrix. Read more
fn metric<'a, 'b, B, M>(&'a self, mat: &'b B, metric: M) -> T where B: 'b + BaseMatrix<T>, M: MatrixMetric<'a, 'b, T, Self, B>
Compute the metric distance between two matrices. Read more
fn min(&self, axis: Axes) -> Vector<T> where T: Copy + PartialOrd
The min of the specified axis of the matrix. Read more
fn max(&self, axis: Axes) -> Vector<T> where T: Copy + PartialOrd
The max of the specified axis of the matrix. Read more
fn select_rows<'a, I>(&self, rows: I) -> Matrix<T> where T: Copy,
I: IntoIterator<Item=&'a usize>,
I::IntoIter: ExactSizeIterator + Clone
I: IntoIterator<Item=&'a usize>,
I::IntoIter: ExactSizeIterator + Clone
Select rows from matrix Read more
fn select_cols<'a, I>(&self, cols: I) -> Matrix<T> where T: Copy,
I: IntoIterator<Item=&'a usize>,
I::IntoIter: ExactSizeIterator + Clone
I: IntoIterator<Item=&'a usize>,
I::IntoIter: ExactSizeIterator + Clone
Select columns from matrix Read more
fn select(&self, rows: &[usize], cols: &[usize]) -> Matrix<T> where T: Copy
Select block matrix from matrix Read more
fn hcat<S>(&self, m: &S) -> Matrix<T> where T: Copy, S: BaseMatrix<T>
Horizontally concatenates two matrices. With self on the left. Read more
fn diag(&self) -> Diagonal<T, Self>
Extract the diagonal of the matrix Read more
fn transpose(&self) -> Matrix<T> where T: Copy
Tranposes the given matrix Read more
fn is_diag(&self) -> bool where T: Zero + PartialEq
Checks if matrix is diagonal. Read more
fn solve_u_triangular(&self, y: Vector<T>) -> Result<Vector<T>, Error> where T: Any + Float
Solves an upper triangular linear system. Read more
fn solve_l_triangular(&self, y: Vector<T>) -> Result<Vector<T>, Error> where T: Any + Float
Solves a lower triangular linear system. Read more
fn split_at(&self, mid: usize, axis: Axes) -> (MatrixSlice<T>, MatrixSlice<T>)
Split the matrix at the specified axis returning two MatrixSlice
s. Read more
fn sub_slice<'a>(&self,
start: [usize; 2],
rows: usize,
cols: usize)
-> MatrixSlice<'a, T> where T: 'a
start: [usize; 2],
rows: usize,
cols: usize)
-> MatrixSlice<'a, T> where T: 'a
Produce a MatrixSlice
from an existing matrix. Read more
impl<T> BaseMatrixMut<T> for Matrix<T>
fn as_mut_ptr(&mut self) -> *mut T
Top left index of the slice.
fn as_mut_slice(&mut self) -> MatrixSliceMut<T>
Returns a MatrixSliceMut
over the whole matrix. Read more
unsafe fn get_unchecked_mut(&mut self, index: [usize; 2]) -> &mut T
Get a mutable reference to a point in the matrix without bounds checks.
fn iter_mut<'a>(&mut self) -> SliceIterMut<'a, T> where T: 'a
Returns a mutable iterator over the matrix. Read more
fn col_mut(&mut self, index: usize) -> ColumnMut<T>
Returns a mutable reference to the column of a matrix at the given index. None
if the index is out of bounds. Read more
unsafe fn col_unchecked_mut(&mut self, index: usize) -> ColumnMut<T>
Returns a mutable reference to the column of a matrix at the given index without doing a bounds check. Read more
fn row_mut(&mut self, index: usize) -> RowMut<T>
Returns a mutable reference to the row of a matrix at the given index. None
if the index is out of bounds. Read more
unsafe fn row_unchecked_mut(&mut self, index: usize) -> RowMut<T>
Returns a mutable reference to the row of a matrix at the given index without doing a bounds check. Read more
fn swap_rows(&mut self, a: usize, b: usize)
Swaps two rows in a matrix. Read more
fn swap_cols(&mut self, a: usize, b: usize)
Swaps two columns in a matrix. Read more
fn col_iter_mut(&mut self) -> ColsMut<T>
Iterate over the mutable columns of the matrix. Read more
fn row_iter_mut(&mut self) -> RowsMut<T>
Iterate over the mutable rows of the matrix. Read more
fn diag_iter_mut(&mut self, k: DiagOffset) -> DiagonalMut<T, Self>
Iterate over diagonal entries mutably Read more
fn set_to<M: BaseMatrix<T>>(self, target: M) where T: Copy
Sets the underlying matrix data to the target data. Read more
fn apply(self, f: &Fn(T) -> T) -> Self where T: Copy
Applies a function to each element in the matrix. Read more
fn split_at_mut(&mut self,
mid: usize,
axis: Axes)
-> (MatrixSliceMut<T>, MatrixSliceMut<T>)
mid: usize,
axis: Axes)
-> (MatrixSliceMut<T>, MatrixSliceMut<T>)
Split the matrix at the specified axis returning two MatrixSliceMut
s. Read more
fn sub_slice_mut<'a>(&mut self,
start: [usize; 2],
rows: usize,
cols: usize)
-> MatrixSliceMut<'a, T> where T: 'a
start: [usize; 2],
rows: usize,
cols: usize)
-> MatrixSliceMut<'a, T> where T: 'a
Produce a MatrixSliceMut
from an existing matrix. Read more
impl<T: Display> Display for Matrix<T>
impl<T> Index<[usize; 2]> for Matrix<T>
Indexes matrix.
Takes row index first then column.
type Output = T
The returned type after indexing
fn index(&self, idx: [usize; 2]) -> &T
The method for the indexing (container[index]
) operation
impl<T> IndexMut<[usize; 2]> for Matrix<T>
Indexes mutable matrix.
Takes row index first then column.
fn index_mut(&mut self, idx: [usize; 2]) -> &mut T
The method for the mutable indexing (container[index]
) operation
impl<T> Add<T> for Matrix<T> where T: Copy + Add<T, Output=T>
Scalar addition with matrix.
Will reuse the memory allocated for the existing matrix.
type Output = Matrix<T>
The resulting type after applying the +
fn add(self, f: T) -> Matrix<T>
The method for the +
impl<'a, T> Add<&'a T> for Matrix<T> where T: Copy + Add<T, Output=T>
Scalar addition with matrix.
Will reuse the memory allocated for the existing matrix.
type Output = Matrix<T>
The resulting type after applying the +
fn add(self, f: &T) -> Matrix<T>
The method for the +
impl<'a, T> Add<T> for &'a Matrix<T> where T: Copy + Add<T, Output=T>
Scalar addition with matrix.
type Output = Matrix<T>
The resulting type after applying the +
fn add(self, f: T) -> Matrix<T>
The method for the +
impl<'a, 'b, T> Add<&'b T> for &'a Matrix<T> where T: Copy + Add<T, Output=T>
Scalar addition with matrix.
type Output = Matrix<T>
The resulting type after applying the +
fn add(self, f: &T) -> Matrix<T>
The method for the +
impl<T> Mul<T> for Matrix<T> where T: Copy + Mul<T, Output=T>
Scalar multiplication with matrix.
Will reuse the memory allocated for the existing matrix.
type Output = Matrix<T>
The resulting type after applying the *
fn mul(self, f: T) -> Matrix<T>
The method for the *
impl<'a, T> Mul<&'a T> for Matrix<T> where T: Copy + Mul<T, Output=T>
Scalar multiplication with matrix.
Will reuse the memory allocated for the existing matrix.
type Output = Matrix<T>
The resulting type after applying the *
fn mul(self, f: &T) -> Matrix<T>
The method for the *
impl<'a, T> Mul<T> for &'a Matrix<T> where T: Copy + Mul<T, Output=T>
Scalar multiplication with matrix.
type Output = Matrix<T>
The resulting type after applying the *
fn mul(self, f: T) -> Matrix<T>
The method for the *
impl<'a, 'b, T> Mul<&'b T> for &'a Matrix<T> where T: Copy + Mul<T, Output=T>
Scalar multiplication with matrix.
type Output = Matrix<T>
The resulting type after applying the *
fn mul(self, f: &T) -> Matrix<T>
The method for the *
impl<T> Sub<T> for Matrix<T> where T: Copy + Sub<T, Output=T>
Scalar subtraction with matrix.
Will reuse the memory allocated for the existing matrix.
type Output = Matrix<T>
The resulting type after applying the -
fn sub(self, f: T) -> Matrix<T>
The method for the -
impl<'a, T> Sub<&'a T> for Matrix<T> where T: Copy + Sub<T, Output=T>
Scalar subtraction with matrix.
Will reuse the memory allocated for the existing matrix.
type Output = Matrix<T>
The resulting type after applying the -
fn sub(self, f: &T) -> Matrix<T>
The method for the -
impl<'a, T> Sub<T> for &'a Matrix<T> where T: Copy + Sub<T, Output=T>
Scalar subtraction with matrix.
type Output = Matrix<T>
The resulting type after applying the -
fn sub(self, f: T) -> Matrix<T>
The method for the -
impl<'a, 'b, T> Sub<&'b T> for &'a Matrix<T> where T: Copy + Sub<T, Output=T>
Scalar subtraction with matrix.
type Output = Matrix<T>
The resulting type after applying the -
fn sub(self, f: &T) -> Matrix<T>
The method for the -
impl<T> Div<T> for Matrix<T> where T: Copy + Div<T, Output=T>
Scalar division with matrix.
Will reuse the memory allocated for the existing matrix.
type Output = Matrix<T>
The resulting type after applying the /
fn div(self, f: T) -> Matrix<T>
The method for the /
impl<'a, T> Div<&'a T> for Matrix<T> where T: Copy + Div<T, Output=T>
Scalar division with matrix.
Will reuse the memory allocated for the existing matrix.
type Output = Matrix<T>
The resulting type after applying the /
fn div(self, f: &T) -> Matrix<T>
The method for the /
impl<'a, T> Div<T> for &'a Matrix<T> where T: Copy + Div<T, Output=T>
Scalar division with matrix.
type Output = Matrix<T>
The resulting type after applying the /
fn div(self, f: T) -> Matrix<T>
The method for the /
impl<'a, 'b, T> Div<&'b T> for &'a Matrix<T> where T: Copy + Div<T, Output=T>
Scalar division with matrix.
type Output = Matrix<T>
The resulting type after applying the /
fn div(self, f: &T) -> Matrix<T>
The method for the /
impl<T> Mul<Vector<T>> for Matrix<T> where T: Copy + Zero + Mul<T, Output=T> + Add<T, Output=T>
Multiplies matrix by vector.
type Output = Vector<T>
The resulting type after applying the *
fn mul(self, m: Vector<T>) -> Vector<T>
The method for the *
impl<'a, T> Mul<Vector<T>> for &'a Matrix<T> where T: Copy + Zero + Mul<T, Output=T> + Add<T, Output=T>
Multiplies matrix by vector.
type Output = Vector<T>
The resulting type after applying the *
fn mul(self, m: Vector<T>) -> Vector<T>
The method for the *
impl<'a, T> Mul<&'a Vector<T>> for Matrix<T> where T: Copy + Zero + Mul<T, Output=T> + Add<T, Output=T>
Multiplies matrix by vector.
type Output = Vector<T>
The resulting type after applying the *
fn mul(self, m: &Vector<T>) -> Vector<T>
The method for the *
impl<'a, 'b, T> Mul<&'b Vector<T>> for &'a Matrix<T> where T: Copy + Zero + Mul<T, Output=T> + Add<T, Output=T>
Multiplies matrix by vector.
type Output = Vector<T>
The resulting type after applying the *
fn mul(self, v: &Vector<T>) -> Vector<T>
The method for the *
impl<'a, T> Add<MatrixSlice<'a, T>> for Matrix<T> where T: Copy + Add<T, Output=T>
Performs elementwise
between Matrix
and MatrixSlice
type Output = Matrix<T>
The resulting type after applying the +
fn add(self, s: MatrixSlice<T>) -> Matrix<T>
The method for the +
impl<'a, 'b, T> Add<MatrixSlice<'a, T>> for &'b Matrix<T> where T: Copy + Add<T, Output=T>
Performs elementwise
between Matrix
and MatrixSlice
type Output = Matrix<T>
The resulting type after applying the +
fn add(self, s: MatrixSlice<T>) -> Matrix<T>
The method for the +
impl<'a, 'b, T> Add<&'b MatrixSlice<'a, T>> for Matrix<T> where T: Copy + Add<T, Output=T>
Performs elementwise
between Matrix
and MatrixSlice
type Output = Matrix<T>
The resulting type after applying the +
fn add(self, s: &MatrixSlice<T>) -> Matrix<T>
The method for the +
impl<'a, 'b, 'c, T> Add<&'c MatrixSlice<'a, T>> for &'b Matrix<T> where T: Copy + Add<T, Output=T>
Performs elementwise
between Matrix
and MatrixSlice
type Output = Matrix<T>
The resulting type after applying the +
fn add(self, s: &MatrixSlice<T>) -> Matrix<T>
The method for the +
impl<'a, T> Add<MatrixSliceMut<'a, T>> for Matrix<T> where T: Copy + Add<T, Output=T>
Performs elementwise
between Matrix
and MatrixSlice
type Output = Matrix<T>
The resulting type after applying the +
fn add(self, s: MatrixSliceMut<T>) -> Matrix<T>
The method for the +
impl<'a, 'b, T> Add<MatrixSliceMut<'a, T>> for &'b Matrix<T> where T: Copy + Add<T, Output=T>
Performs elementwise
between Matrix
and MatrixSlice
type Output = Matrix<T>
The resulting type after applying the +
fn add(self, s: MatrixSliceMut<T>) -> Matrix<T>
The method for the +
impl<'a, 'b, T> Add<&'b MatrixSliceMut<'a, T>> for Matrix<T> where T: Copy + Add<T, Output=T>
Performs elementwise
between Matrix
and MatrixSlice
type Output = Matrix<T>
The resulting type after applying the +
fn add(self, s: &MatrixSliceMut<T>) -> Matrix<T>
The method for the +
impl<'a, 'b, 'c, T> Add<&'c MatrixSliceMut<'a, T>> for &'b Matrix<T> where T: Copy + Add<T, Output=T>
Performs elementwise
between Matrix
and MatrixSlice
type Output = Matrix<T>
The resulting type after applying the +
fn add(self, s: &MatrixSliceMut<T>) -> Matrix<T>
The method for the +
impl<'a, T> Sub<MatrixSlice<'a, T>> for Matrix<T> where T: Copy + Sub<T, Output=T>
Performs elementwise
between Matrix
and MatrixSlice
type Output = Matrix<T>
The resulting type after applying the -
fn sub(self, s: MatrixSlice<T>) -> Matrix<T>
The method for the -
impl<'a, 'b, T> Sub<MatrixSlice<'a, T>> for &'b Matrix<T> where T: Copy + Sub<T, Output=T>
Performs elementwise
between Matrix
and MatrixSlice
type Output = Matrix<T>
The resulting type after applying the -
fn sub(self, s: MatrixSlice<T>) -> Matrix<T>
The method for the -
impl<'a, 'b, T> Sub<&'b MatrixSlice<'a, T>> for Matrix<T> where T: Copy + Sub<T, Output=T>
Performs elementwise
between Matrix
and MatrixSlice
type Output = Matrix<T>
The resulting type after applying the -
fn sub(self, s: &MatrixSlice<T>) -> Matrix<T>
The method for the -
impl<'a, 'b, 'c, T> Sub<&'c MatrixSlice<'a, T>> for &'b Matrix<T> where T: Copy + Sub<T, Output=T>
Performs elementwise
between Matrix
and MatrixSlice
type Output = Matrix<T>
The resulting type after applying the -
fn sub(self, s: &MatrixSlice<T>) -> Matrix<T>
The method for the -
impl<'a, T> Sub<MatrixSliceMut<'a, T>> for Matrix<T> where T: Copy + Sub<T, Output=T>
Performs elementwise
between Matrix
and MatrixSlice
type Output = Matrix<T>
The resulting type after applying the -
fn sub(self, s: MatrixSliceMut<T>) -> Matrix<T>
The method for the -
impl<'a, 'b, T> Sub<MatrixSliceMut<'a, T>> for &'b Matrix<T> where T: Copy + Sub<T, Output=T>
Performs elementwise
between Matrix
and MatrixSlice
type Output = Matrix<T>
The resulting type after applying the -
fn sub(self, s: MatrixSliceMut<T>) -> Matrix<T>
The method for the -
impl<'a, 'b, T> Sub<&'b MatrixSliceMut<'a, T>> for Matrix<T> where T: Copy + Sub<T, Output=T>
Performs elementwise
between Matrix
and MatrixSlice
type Output = Matrix<T>
The resulting type after applying the -
fn sub(self, s: &MatrixSliceMut<T>) -> Matrix<T>
The method for the -
impl<'a, 'b, 'c, T> Sub<&'c MatrixSliceMut<'a, T>> for &'b Matrix<T> where T: Copy + Sub<T, Output=T>
Performs elementwise
between Matrix
and MatrixSlice
type Output = Matrix<T>
The resulting type after applying the -
fn sub(self, s: &MatrixSliceMut<T>) -> Matrix<T>
The method for the -
impl<T> Add<Matrix<T>> for Matrix<T> where T: Copy + Add<T, Output=T>
Performs elementwise addition between two matrices.
This will reuse allocated memory from self
type Output = Matrix<T>
The resulting type after applying the +
fn add(self, m: Matrix<T>) -> Matrix<T>
The method for the +
impl<'a, T> Add<Matrix<T>> for &'a Matrix<T> where T: Copy + Add<T, Output=T>
Performs elementwise addition between two matrices.
This will reuse allocated memory from m
type Output = Matrix<T>
The resulting type after applying the +
fn add(self, m: Matrix<T>) -> Matrix<T>
The method for the +
impl<'a, T> Add<&'a Matrix<T>> for Matrix<T> where T: Copy + Add<T, Output=T>
Performs elementwise addition between two matrices.
This will reuse allocated memory from self
type Output = Matrix<T>
The resulting type after applying the +
fn add(self, m: &Matrix<T>) -> Matrix<T>
The method for the +
impl<'a, 'b, T> Add<&'b Matrix<T>> for &'a Matrix<T> where T: Copy + Add<T, Output=T>
Performs elementwise addition between two matrices.
type Output = Matrix<T>
The resulting type after applying the +
fn add(self, m: &Matrix<T>) -> Matrix<T>
The method for the +
impl<T> Sub<Matrix<T>> for Matrix<T> where T: Copy + Sub<T, Output=T>
Performs elementwise subtraction between two matrices.
This will reuse allocated memory from self
type Output = Matrix<T>
The resulting type after applying the -
fn sub(self, m: Matrix<T>) -> Matrix<T>
The method for the -
impl<'a, T> Sub<Matrix<T>> for &'a Matrix<T> where T: Copy + Sub<T, Output=T>
Performs elementwise subtraction between two matrices.
This will reuse allocated memory from m
type Output = Matrix<T>
The resulting type after applying the -
fn sub(self, m: Matrix<T>) -> Matrix<T>
The method for the -
impl<'a, T> Sub<&'a Matrix<T>> for Matrix<T> where T: Copy + Sub<T, Output=T>
Performs elementwise subtraction between two matrices.
This will reuse allocated memory from self
type Output = Matrix<T>
The resulting type after applying the -
fn sub(self, m: &Matrix<T>) -> Matrix<T>
The method for the -
impl<'a, 'b, T> Sub<&'b Matrix<T>> for &'a Matrix<T> where T: Copy + Sub<T, Output=T>
Performs elementwise subtraction between two matrices.
type Output = Matrix<T>
The resulting type after applying the -
fn sub(self, m: &Matrix<T>) -> Matrix<T>
The method for the -
impl<T> AddAssign<T> for Matrix<T> where T: Copy + Add<T, Output=T>
Performs addition assignment between a matrix and a scalar.
fn add_assign(&mut self, _rhs: T)
The method for the +=
impl<'a, T> AddAssign<&'a T> for Matrix<T> where T: Copy + Add<T, Output=T>
Performs addition assignment between a matrix and a scalar.
fn add_assign(&mut self, _rhs: &T)
The method for the +=
impl<T> SubAssign<T> for Matrix<T> where T: Copy + Sub<T, Output=T>
Performs subtraction assignment between a matrix and a scalar.
fn sub_assign(&mut self, _rhs: T)
The method for the -=
impl<'a, T> SubAssign<&'a T> for Matrix<T> where T: Copy + Sub<T, Output=T>
Performs subtraction assignment between a matrix and a scalar.
fn sub_assign(&mut self, _rhs: &T)
The method for the -=
impl<T> DivAssign<T> for Matrix<T> where T: Copy + Div<T, Output=T>
Performs division assignment between a matrix and a scalar.
fn div_assign(&mut self, _rhs: T)
The method for the /=
impl<'a, T> DivAssign<&'a T> for Matrix<T> where T: Copy + Div<T, Output=T>
Performs division assignment between a matrix and a scalar.
fn div_assign(&mut self, _rhs: &T)
The method for the /=
impl<T> MulAssign<T> for Matrix<T> where T: Copy + Mul<T, Output=T>
Performs multiplication assignment between a matrix and a scalar.
fn mul_assign(&mut self, _rhs: T)
The method for the *=
impl<'a, T> MulAssign<&'a T> for Matrix<T> where T: Copy + Mul<T, Output=T>
Performs multiplication assignment between a matrix and a scalar.
fn mul_assign(&mut self, _rhs: &T)
The method for the *=
impl<T> AddAssign<Matrix<T>> for Matrix<T> where T: Copy + Add<T, Output=T>
Performs elementwise addition assignment between two matrices.
fn add_assign(&mut self, _rhs: Matrix<T>)
The method for the +=
impl<'a, T> AddAssign<&'a Matrix<T>> for Matrix<T> where T: Copy + Add<T, Output=T>
Performs elementwise addition assignment between two matrices.
fn add_assign(&mut self, _rhs: &Matrix<T>)
The method for the +=
impl<T> SubAssign<Matrix<T>> for Matrix<T> where T: Copy + Sub<T, Output=T>
Performs elementwise subtraction assignment between two matrices.
fn sub_assign(&mut self, _rhs: Matrix<T>)
The method for the -=
impl<'a, T> SubAssign<&'a Matrix<T>> for Matrix<T> where T: Copy + Sub<T, Output=T>
Performs elementwise subtraction assignment between two matrices.
fn sub_assign(&mut self, _rhs: &Matrix<T>)
The method for the -=
impl<'a, T> AddAssign<MatrixSlice<'a, T>> for Matrix<T> where T: Copy + Add<T, Output=T>
Performs elementwise addition assignment between two matrices.
fn add_assign(&mut self, _rhs: MatrixSlice<T>)
The method for the +=
impl<'a, 'b, T> AddAssign<&'b MatrixSlice<'a, T>> for Matrix<T> where T: Copy + Add<T, Output=T>
Performs elementwise addition assignment between two matrices.
fn add_assign(&mut self, _rhs: &MatrixSlice<T>)
The method for the +=
impl<'a, T> SubAssign<MatrixSlice<'a, T>> for Matrix<T> where T: Copy + Sub<T, Output=T>
Performs elementwise subtraction assignment between two matrices.
fn sub_assign(&mut self, _rhs: MatrixSlice<T>)
The method for the -=
impl<'a, 'b, T> SubAssign<&'b MatrixSlice<'a, T>> for Matrix<T> where T: Copy + Sub<T, Output=T>
Performs elementwise subtraction assignment between two matrices.
fn sub_assign(&mut self, _rhs: &MatrixSlice<T>)
The method for the -=
impl<'a, T> AddAssign<MatrixSliceMut<'a, T>> for Matrix<T> where T: Copy + Add<T, Output=T>
Performs elementwise addition assignment between two matrices.
fn add_assign(&mut self, _rhs: MatrixSliceMut<T>)
The method for the +=
impl<'a, 'b, T> AddAssign<&'b MatrixSliceMut<'a, T>> for Matrix<T> where T: Copy + Add<T, Output=T>
Performs elementwise addition assignment between two matrices.
fn add_assign(&mut self, _rhs: &MatrixSliceMut<T>)
The method for the +=
impl<'a, T> SubAssign<MatrixSliceMut<'a, T>> for Matrix<T> where T: Copy + Sub<T, Output=T>
Performs elementwise subtraction assignment between two matrices.
fn sub_assign(&mut self, _rhs: MatrixSliceMut<T>)
The method for the -=
impl<'a, 'b, T> SubAssign<&'b MatrixSliceMut<'a, T>> for Matrix<T> where T: Copy + Sub<T, Output=T>
Performs elementwise subtraction assignment between two matrices.
fn sub_assign(&mut self, _rhs: &MatrixSliceMut<T>)
The method for the -=
impl<T> Neg for Matrix<T> where T: Neg<Output=T> + Copy
Gets negative of matrix.
type Output = Matrix<T>
The resulting type after applying the -
fn neg(self) -> Matrix<T>
The method for the unary -
impl<'a, T> Neg for &'a Matrix<T> where T: Neg<Output=T> + Copy
Gets negative of matrix.
type Output = Matrix<T>
The resulting type after applying the -
fn neg(self) -> Matrix<T>
The method for the unary -
impl<'a, T: 'a + Copy> FromIterator<&'a [T]> for Matrix<T>
Creates a Matrix
from an iterator over slices.
Each of the slices produced by the iterator will become a row in the matrix.
Will panic if the iterators items do not have constant length.
We can create a new matrix from some data.
use rulinalg::matrix::{Matrix, BaseMatrix}; let a : Matrix<f64> = vec![4f64; 16].chunks(4).collect(); assert_eq!(a.rows(), 4); assert_eq!(a.cols(), 4);
We can also do more interesting things.
use rulinalg::matrix::{Matrix, BaseMatrix}; let a = Matrix::new(4,2, (0..8).collect::<Vec<usize>>()); // Here we skip the first row and take only those // where the first entry is less than 6. let b = a.row_iter() .skip(1) .filter(|x| x[0] < 6) .collect::<Matrix<usize>>(); // We take the middle rows assert_eq!(b.into_vec(), vec![2,3,4,5]);
fn from_iter<I: IntoIterator<Item=&'a [T]>>(iterable: I) -> Self
Creates a value from an iterator. Read more
impl<'a, T: 'a + Copy> FromIterator<Row<'a, T>> for Matrix<T>
fn from_iter<I: IntoIterator<Item=Row<'a, T>>>(iterable: I) -> Self
Creates a value from an iterator. Read more
impl<'a, T: 'a + Copy> FromIterator<RowMut<'a, T>> for Matrix<T>
fn from_iter<I: IntoIterator<Item=RowMut<'a, T>>>(iterable: I) -> Self
Creates a value from an iterator. Read more
impl<'a, T: Any + Copy + Zero + Add<T, Output=T> + Mul<T, Output=T>> Mul<Matrix<T>> for Matrix<T>
Multiplies two matrices together.
type Output = Matrix<T>
The resulting type after applying the *
fn mul(self, m: Matrix<T>) -> Matrix<T>
The method for the *
impl<'a, 'b, T> Mul<&'a Matrix<T>> for Matrix<T> where T: Any + Copy + Zero + Add<T, Output=T> + Mul<T, Output=T>
Multiplies two matrices together.
type Output = Matrix<T>
The resulting type after applying the *
fn mul(self, m: &Matrix<T>) -> Matrix<T>
The method for the *
impl<'a, T> Mul<Matrix<T>> for &'a Matrix<T> where T: Any + Copy + Zero + Add<T, Output=T> + Mul<T, Output=T>
Multiplies two matrices together.
type Output = Matrix<T>
The resulting type after applying the *
fn mul(self, m: Matrix<T>) -> Matrix<T>
The method for the *
impl<'a, 'b, T> Mul<&'b Matrix<T>> for &'a Matrix<T> where T: Any + Copy + Zero + Add<T, Output=T> + Mul<T, Output=T>
Multiplies two matrices together.
type Output = Matrix<T>
The resulting type after applying the *
fn mul(self, m: &Matrix<T>) -> Matrix<T>
The method for the *
impl<'a, T> Mul<MatrixSlice<'a, T>> for Matrix<T> where T: Any + Copy + Zero + Add<T, Output=T> + Mul<T, Output=T>
Multiplies two matrices together.
type Output = Matrix<T>
The resulting type after applying the *
fn mul(self, m: MatrixSlice<T>) -> Matrix<T>
The method for the *
impl<'a, 'b, T> Mul<&'b MatrixSlice<'a, T>> for Matrix<T> where T: Any + Copy + Zero + Add<T, Output=T> + Mul<T, Output=T>
Multiplies two matrices together.
type Output = Matrix<T>
The resulting type after applying the *
fn mul(self, m: &MatrixSlice<T>) -> Matrix<T>
The method for the *
impl<'a, 'b, T> Mul<MatrixSlice<'a, T>> for &'b Matrix<T> where T: Any + Copy + Zero + Add<T, Output=T> + Mul<T, Output=T>
Multiplies two matrices together.
type Output = Matrix<T>
The resulting type after applying the *
fn mul(self, m: MatrixSlice<T>) -> Matrix<T>
The method for the *
impl<'a, 'b, 'c, T> Mul<&'c MatrixSlice<'a, T>> for &'b Matrix<T> where T: Any + Copy + Zero + Add<T, Output=T> + Mul<T, Output=T>
Multiplies two matrices together.
type Output = Matrix<T>
The resulting type after applying the *
fn mul(self, m: &MatrixSlice<T>) -> Matrix<T>
The method for the *
impl<'a, T> Mul<MatrixSliceMut<'a, T>> for Matrix<T> where T: Any + Copy + Zero + Add<T, Output=T> + Mul<T, Output=T>
Multiplies two matrices together.
type Output = Matrix<T>
The resulting type after applying the *
fn mul(self, m: MatrixSliceMut<T>) -> Matrix<T>
The method for the *
impl<'a, 'b, T> Mul<&'b MatrixSliceMut<'a, T>> for Matrix<T> where T: Any + Copy + Zero + Add<T, Output=T> + Mul<T, Output=T>
Multiplies two matrices together.
type Output = Matrix<T>
The resulting type after applying the *
fn mul(self, m: &MatrixSliceMut<T>) -> Matrix<T>
The method for the *
impl<'a, 'b, T> Mul<MatrixSliceMut<'a, T>> for &'b Matrix<T> where T: Any + Copy + Zero + Add<T, Output=T> + Mul<T, Output=T>
Multiplies two matrices together.
type Output = Matrix<T>
The resulting type after applying the *
fn mul(self, m: MatrixSliceMut<T>) -> Matrix<T>
The method for the *
impl<'a, 'b, 'c, T> Mul<&'c MatrixSliceMut<'a, T>> for &'b Matrix<T> where T: Any + Copy + Zero + Add<T, Output=T> + Mul<T, Output=T>
Multiplies two matrices together.
type Output = Matrix<T>
The resulting type after applying the *
fn mul(self, m: &MatrixSliceMut<T>) -> Matrix<T>
The method for the *
impl<T> Mul<PermutationMatrix<T>> for Matrix<T>
Right-multiply a matrix by a permutation matrix.
type Output = Matrix<T>
The resulting type after applying the *
fn mul(self, rhs: PermutationMatrix<T>) -> Matrix<T>
The method for the *
impl<'a, T> Mul<&'a PermutationMatrix<T>> for Matrix<T> where T: Clone
Right-multiply a matrix by a permutation matrix.
type Output = Matrix<T>
The resulting type after applying the *
fn mul(self, rhs: &'a PermutationMatrix<T>) -> Matrix<T>
The method for the *
impl<'a, 'm, T> Mul<PermutationMatrix<T>> for &'a Matrix<T> where T: Zero + Clone
Right-multiply a matrix by a permutation matrix.
type Output = Matrix<T>
The resulting type after applying the *
fn mul(self, rhs: PermutationMatrix<T>) -> Matrix<T>
The method for the *
impl<'a, 'b, 'm, T> Mul<&'b PermutationMatrix<T>> for &'a Matrix<T> where T: Zero + Clone
Right-multiply a matrix by a permutation matrix.
type Output = Matrix<T>
The resulting type after applying the *
fn mul(self, rhs: &'b PermutationMatrix<T>) -> Matrix<T>
The method for the *
impl<T: Debug> Debug for Matrix<T>
impl<T: Clone> Clone for Matrix<T>
fn clone(&self) -> Matrix<T>
Returns a copy of the value. Read more
fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)
Performs copy-assignment from source
. Read more
impl<T: PartialEq> PartialEq for Matrix<T>
fn eq(&self, __arg_0: &Matrix<T>) -> bool
This method tests for self
and other
values to be equal, and is used by ==
. Read more
fn ne(&self, __arg_0: &Matrix<T>) -> bool
This method tests for !=
impl<T: Eq> Eq for Matrix<T>
impl<T: Hash> Hash for Matrix<T>
fn hash<__HT: Hasher>(&self, __arg_0: &mut __HT)
Feeds this value into the state given, updating the hasher as necessary.
fn hash_slice<H>(data: &[Self], state: &mut H) where H: Hasher
Feeds a slice of this type into the state provided.
impl<T> From<Vector<T>> for Matrix<T>
impl<'a, T: Copy> From<MatrixSlice<'a, T>> for Matrix<T>
fn from(slice: MatrixSlice<'a, T>) -> Self
Performs the conversion.
impl<'a, T: Copy> From<MatrixSliceMut<'a, T>> for Matrix<T>
fn from(slice: MatrixSliceMut<'a, T>) -> Self
Performs the conversion.