%% Below are very ill-defined categories
%% Linear Algebra
\newcommand{\hvec}[2]{\begin{pmatrix}#1& #2\end{pmatrix}}
\newcommand{\hVec}[3]{\begin{pmatrix}#1& #2& #3\end{pmatrix}}
\newcommand{\mat}[4]{\begin{pmatrix}#1& #2\\ #3& #4\end{pmatrix}}
\newcommand{\Mat}[9]{\begin{pmatrix}#1& #2& #3\\#4& #5& #6\\#7& #8& #9\end{pmatrix}}
%% Abstract Algebra
\newcommand{\gen}[1]{\left\langle #1 \right\rangle}
\newcommand{\pres}[2]{\left\langle #1\mid #2 \right\rangle}
\newcommand{\freemod}[0]{R^{\oplus S}}
\newcommand{\sinv}{\inv S}
\begin{tikzcd}[ampersand replacement=\&]
0\arrow[r]\& #1\arrow[r, "#2"]\& #3\arrow[r, "#4"]\& #5\arrow[r]\&0
\newcommand{\scmplx}[5]{ % single complex
\begin{tikzcd}[ampersand replacement=\&]
#1\arrow[r, "#2"]\& #3\arrow[r, "#4"]\& #5
\begin{tikzcd}[ampersand replacement=\&]
0\arrow[r]\& #1\arrow[r, "#2"]\& #3\arrow[r, "#4"]\& #5
\begin{tikzcd}[ampersand replacement=\&]
#1\arrow[r, "#2"]\& #3\arrow[r, "#4"]\& #5\arrow[r]\&0
\DeclareMathOperator{\ztensor}{\otimes_{\mathbb Z}}
\DeclareMathOperator{\zHom}{Hom_{\mathbb Z}}
\DeclareMathOperator{\qz}{\mathbb Q/\mathbb Z}
\DeclareMathOperator{\Spin}{Sp} % TODO (?): Change to \Sp
\renewcommand{\hom}{\mathrm H}
\DeclareMathOperator{\ZG}{\Z G}
\DeclareMathOperator{\Irr}{Irr} % Do I want a separate section for representation theory?
%% Algebraic Number Theory/Field Theory
\newcommand{\qadj}[1]{\mathbb Q\left(#1\right)}
\newcommand{\qadjs}[1]{\qadj{\sqrt {#1}}}
\newcommand{\qbrac}[1]{\mathbb Q\left[#1\right]}
\newcommand{\qext}[1]{\qadj{#1}/\mathbb Q}
\newcommand{\zadj}[1]{\mathbb Z\left[#1\right]}
\newcommand{\zadjs}[1]{\zadj{\sqrt {#1}}}
\newcommand{\zmod}[1]{\mathbb Z/#1\mathbb Z}
\newcommand{\ints}[1]{\mathscr O_{#1}}
\newcommand{\loc}[2]{#1_{\mathfrak #2}}
\newcommand{\idealloc}[2]{\mathfrak #2\loc{#1}{#2}}
\newcommand{\nabs}[0]{|\,\cdot\,|} % norm + absolute value
\newcommand{\codiff}[1]{#1^* }
\newcommand{\compl}[1]{#1^{\wedge}} % Completion
\DeclareMathOperator{\knorm}{\norm_{K/\mathbb Q}}
\DeclareMathOperator{\zdisc}{disc_{\mathbb Z}}
\DeclareMathOperator{\ktrace}{\trace_{K/\mathbb Q}}
%% Modular Forms/Curves
\newcommand{\pmI}{\bracks{\pm I}}
%% Group cohomology/class field theory
%% Point-Set Topology
\newcommand{\cp}[1]{\overline{\{#1\}}} % closure of point
%% Differential Geometry/Topology
\newcommand{\pderiv}[2]{\frac{\partial #1}{\partial #2}}
\newcommand{\pderivf}[2]{\partial #1/\partial #2}
\newcommand{\Pderiv}[3]{\frac{\partial #1}{\partial #2\partial #3}}
\newcommand{\dtwo}[1]{\pderiv{#1}x\,dx + \pderiv{#1}y\,dy}
\newcommand{\dthree}[1]{\dtwo{#1} + \pderiv{#1}z\,dz}
\newcommand{\vft}[2]{#1\pderivd{x_1}+#2\pderivd{x_2}} % vector (field) in \R^2
\newcommand{\dt}[0]{\d t}
\newcommand{\dx}[0]{\d x}
\newcommand{\dy}[0]{\d y}
\newcommand{\dz}[0]{\d z}
\newcommand{\dbz}[0]{\d\bar z}
\newcommand{\df}[0]{\d f}
\newcommand{\dm}[0]{\d m}
\renewcommand{\d}{\mathrm d} % This had a \, in the front before. Will I regret removing it?
%% Algebraic Topology
\DeclareMathOperator{\RP}{\mathbb R\mathbb P}
\DeclareMathOperator{\CP}{\mathbb C\mathbb P}
% Lie Theory
\newcommand{\dg}{\d g}
%% Complex/Algebraic Geometry + Sheaf Theory
\newcommand{\cs}[1]{\parens{\ints{#1},\abs{#1}}} % Complex space
\newcommand{\derpush}[2]{#2_{* #1}}
\newcommand{\smp}[1]{#1^{\mrm{sm}}} % smooth points
%% Analysis
%% Quantum Mechanics/Computing
%% Cryptography
\newcommand{\uniform}{\xleftarrow R}
%% Complexity Theory
\DeclareMathOperator{\ccP}{P} % cc = complexity class
\DeclareMathOperator{\Perm}{Perm} % Permanent of a matrix
%% Logic
%% Machine Learning
%% Probability/Statistics
%% Diagrams
\begin{tikzcd}[ampersand replacement=\&]
#1\ar[r, "#2"]\ar[d, "#4" left]\& #3\ar[d, "#5" right]\\
#6\ar[r, "#7" above]\& #8
%% Limit type things
%% Letters/Fonts
\newcommand{\mfp}{\mathfrak p}
\newcommand{\mfm}{\mathfrak m}
\newcommand{\mfX}{\mathfrak X}
\newcommand{\mfg}{\mathfrak g}
\newcommand{\mfh}{\mathfrak h}
\newcommand{\mfH}{\mathfrak H}
\newcommand{\mft}{\mathfrak t}
\newcommand{\mbfx}{\mathbf x}
\newcommand{\mbfy}{\mathbf y}
\newcommand{\mbfU}{\mathbf U}
\newcommand{\msO}{\mathscr O}
\newcommand{\mfc}{\mf c}
\newcommand{\msI}{\mathscr I}
\newcommand{\msJ}{\mathscr J}
\newcommand{\msP}{\mathscr P}
\newcommand{\msF}{\ms F}
\newcommand{\msL}{\ms L}
\newcommand{\msM}{\ms M}
\newcommand{\msG}{\ms G}
\newcommand{\mfq}{\mf q}
\newcommand{\mfP}{\mf P}
\newcommand{\mcA}{\mc A}
\newcommand{\mcB}{\mc B}
\newcommand{\mcV}{\mc V}
\newcommand{\mcU}{\mc U}
\newcommand{\mcW}{\mc W}
\newcommand{\mcF}{\mc F}
\newcommand{\mfa}{\mf a}
\newcommand{\mfb}{\mf b}
\newcommand{\msR}{\ms R}
\newcommand{\msS}{\ms S}
\newcommand{\msA}{\ms A}
\newcommand{\mcH}{\mc H}
\newcommand{\mcS}{\mc S}
\newcommand{\mcM}{\mc M}
\newcommand{\mcL}{\mc L}
%\renewcommand{\S}{\mathbb S}
\newcommand{\F}{\mathbb F}
\newcommand{\Q}{\mathbb Q}
\newcommand{\Z}{\mathbb Z}
\newcommand{\R}{\mathbb R}
\newcommand{\C}{\mathbb C}
\newcommand{\E}{\mathbb E}
\newcommand{\N}{\mathbb N}
\newcommand{\T}{\mathbb T}
\newcommand{\A}{\mathbb A}
\renewcommand{\P}{\mathbb P}
\DeclareMathOperator{\msE}{\ms E}
%% Grouping Operators
\newcommand{\coint}[2]{\left[#1,#2\right)} % Closed, open interval
%% Misc
\newcommand{\bp}[1]{\tbf{(#1)}} % bold parens
\newcommand{\st}{\tilde} % small tilde
\newcommand{\sh}{\hat} % small hat
\renewcommand{\ast}[1]{#1^* }
\hfill#1\hfill&\text{if }#2\\
\hfill#1\hfill&\text{if }#2\\
\hfill#3\hfill&\text{if }#4
\newcommand{\push}[1]{#1_* }
\newcommand{\pull}[1]{#1^* }
#1:& #2 &\longrightarrow& #3\\
& #4&\longmapsto& #5
\renewcommand{\div}{\mathrm{div}} % Might regret this one day
Last updated: 3/25/2019
Hey, name’s Niven. I’m a student, I like math, and this is a place for me to write about that. When I started this blog, I think I envisioned it largely being focused on teaching some imagined audience about some of the highlights of mathematics ; however, this ideal has appealed to me less and less as time passes, so I’m not sure what style of post I want to write. A few of my more recent ones have been of the “I’ve heard or thought about something interesting and writing a post on it will force me to think through the details” variety, so maybe I’ll keep doing things like that. The point of this is just to say that I’m still trying to figure out what this blog actually is, so if you look at posts written, say, a year apart, they’ll possibly seem different in character.
I’m fairly confident that a single digit number of people regularly read this blog , so I’m not that concerned with things looking super polished. That is to say, everything is written in one take without using spell check, so small errors exist . However, since you have stumbled upon this blog, I’d love to hear some feedback so leave a comment or shoot me an email or tell me what you think through whatever means please you.
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